About this Service
Tolley CPD
Tolley CPD provides access to a variety of different modules of material covering all aspects of tax and accounting. Subscribe to the material which best suits your needs.
Currently we offer access to:
Tolley Seminars
This service provides access to seminars covering personal and business tax, audit and accounting. With monthly updates about key areas of tax, Tolley Seminars helps you stay up to date with current taxation affairs.
SubscribeTolley Tax Tutor
Refresh, expand and update your knowledge with Tolley Tax Tutor. These online tutorials deliver the tax rules in easy to understand, bite sized chunks and align with comprehensive notes and illustrations. They have been written by the tax specialist tutors of Tolley Exam Training and are updated yearly.
Subscribe to one or more of the following modules:
- Business Tax
- Business Income Tax
- Corporation Tax
- Value Added Tax
- Personal Tax
- Capital Gains Tax
- Inheritance Tax
- Personal Income Tax
- UK Trusts and Estates
- Other Indirect Taxes
- International Tax Tutor
Personal Tax and Business Tax may be purchased as bundles.
SubscribeTolley VAT Update
This service provides quarterly updates to VAT Update lectures.
Tolley CPD provides access to Tolley Seminars, Tolley Tax Tutor and VAT Update on a single platform.
Tolley CPD delivers an easy and effective way of keeping up to date with the latest tax and accounting changes. The service features audio-visual seminars on the latest changes from some of the leading lecturers.
Key Benefits
- Monthly updates on key changes in Personal and Business tax by leading lecturers
- Quarterly updates on the latest changes in accounting and auditing standards
- Access the content on the move through your mobile device
- Audio-visual seminars that can be paused, replayed, or fast-forwarded as often as you wish
- Downloadable MP3 lecture sound tracks for your PDAs, Smart Phones or car sound system
- A structured CPD certificate comes with each seminar*
- CPD tracking service - automatically records on-site activity as well as off-site training
- Interactive tests at the end of each seminar
- Every seminar is cross-referenced to comprehensive notes
- The only product of its kind on the market
- Tax learning becomes fast, fun and convenient
CPD Tracking
This service provides seminars and lectures on tax and accounting matters, tracking time spent on the site for continual professional development (CPD) purposes.
When you read seminar notes, take quizzes, watch or listen to seminars and lectures, CPD records are automatically stored. You may also add your own CPD records for any activity you undertake offline.
By selecting which tax institute(s) you belong to, Tolley CPD can track your activity against the goals set by your institute. These are also updated automatically, so you never need to worry about changing requirements - Tolley CPD looks after that.
When you have reached the goal set by your institute, you can download a certificate which can be sent to your institute should you need proof of your CPD activity.
Visit your account page to see your CPD progress.
From here you can view activity by month or by type. Clicking on a month will provide a list of seminars viewed in that month, allowing you to revisit any past material.
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